| Ales Komarek
Executive Producer & Partner | +420 602 558 775 | ales@partnershippictures.com
| Jakub Malek
Producer & Partner | +420 608 432 666 | jakub@partnershippictures.com
| Accounting
Radima Richterova | radimka@seznam.cz
| Shipping address:
Partnership Pictures, Stefanikova 1/65, 150 00 Prague 5, Czech Republic
| Legal
Company ID / ICO: 25789759 | VAT# / DIC: CZ 25789759
Registered in the Commercial Register administered by the Municipal Court in Prague, section C, insert no. 70439
| Registered at:
Partnership Pictures, Rybna 24, 110 00 Prague 1, Czech Republic
Our office is located in walking distance from the Mandarin Oriental and Augustin Hotel.
Begin your day with a delicious breakfast at the Café Savoy. Enjoy the typical Sardinian lunch at Ichnusa Bistro. Taste all flavours at the Angelato gelato. Hang out at the Vltava River. Have a famous Pilsner beer at Lokal. Finish your day at the Prague CBGB like Club Ujezd and than walk home through the quiet Kampa park. Busy day, ha?

We comply with the GDPR and any data held by us is held on the following basis provided in the GDP: Consent, Contract, Legal Obligation, Vital interests, Public task or legitimate interest and is only such data - typically name, email, phone number and address - necessary for us to contact you and payment details if we pay money to you. If you have any issues or would like to read our data protection policy or object to us holding your data and would like us to delete it please email jakub@partnershippictures.com